Zine Mag Vol.14 THE FEAR ISSUE PREVIEWZine Mag Vol.14 THE FEAR ISSUE PREVIEW Conquer fear, confront yourself戰勝自己、面對恐懼恐懼本身並不存在這時空,恐懼的問世皆是由我們賦予它靈魂,授予其故事。基本上恐懼發酵前的 S.O.P,不外乎是藉由我們的感官接收到各類訊息後,通過我們腦部深處杏仁核的作祟後,交錯堆疊出我們的情感認知,衍生出心中相對應的各種恐懼,當我們對事物無知或沒有概念時,它便自然而然被催生了!自我們呱呱墜地以來,恐懼ㄧ直存在我們生命中的每ㄧ個面向,無論工作、感情、健康或是人際關係等,基本上它都與我們形影不離。為什麼它無所不在?說穿了,因為我們還不認識真正的自己,我認為更精確的說,“恐懼”應該是讓我們認識自己,摸索自我的過程。相當有趣的是...中文“怕”ㄧ字故名思義,“心中ㄧ片空白”,尤當我們在面對自己想法以外,超出自己認知範圍;不熟悉陌生的人事物時,顯然“心中ㄧ片空白”是正常表現。恐懼之下,本能催生各種反應皆有,緊張、顫抖、傻笑、吱吱唔唔、變啞巴、憤怒、說謊、挫屎等十八招幾百式,說奇怪ㄧ點也都不奇怪,有這些反應ㄧ點也不可恥,重要的是,當我們碰上超出自己思考範疇以外的事,我們是否能沉著冷靜應對,並且真誠面對自己,正視恐懼為我們自身所帶來的障礙,進而認清最大的敵人其實是自己;當我們認清這點,才會有勇氣面對恐懼,也才會有下ㄧ步的改變與躍進,伴隨而來的成長將會是智慧的積累。Last issue we talked about the idea of Set Out of an Exit. In vol. 14 editors would like to ask our readers to think deeply about our daily stress and it’s cause, the origin of fear. After all, what is fear? Pardon my babbling, but truth is that fear does not exit in concrete form, but given alive by human mind. Fear is a chain reaction in the brain that starts with a stressful stimulus, decoding emotion, retrieving conscious memories and ends with the release of chemicals causing physical reactions. Many times when we face the unknown, layers of emotions and stored memories start to generate various kinds of fears. I still remember that I hated bitter melons and bell peppers when I was a kid. When these two ingredients kept showing up on our dinning table, I started to wonder my parents are punishing we kids on purpose. You would think it’s normal for children to have preference in tasteful food, so we developed this habit. But until one day, my father spoke to me in seriousness, “What you fear most, is what you need the most; what you hate most, is what you lack of.” Since that day, I never was a picky eater anymore. Since that moment, I developed a habit to conquer myself.From the moment we were born, fear is all around in all aspects. Career, romance, health or in social relations. Once again, it is omnipresent. The reason why it exists, I think, is for us to understand ourselves, to explore our consciousness. Interestingly in Mandarin character, the word “afraid” is composed with the symbols of heart and white. As it suggests, when you heart is in blank, especially when you are out of your thought, the unknown makes you afraid, even to the further extend of anxiety, shivering, giggling, stuttering, anger, lying and all other abnormal but normal things. Most important is the ability to stay clam and think rationally when facing things are difficult to comprehend. Also be true to yourself, confront the obstacles and realize that you are your own biggest enemy. Once we digest these, the courage shall come assist our next improvement, alone accumulating the growth of wisdom.-017 Hype In Town WHAT TO PACK FOR THIS SEASON026 Pulse AMAZED CLASSICFASHION FORECAST S/S 16BARBARA Í GONGINIComme des GarçonsKokon To ZaiMOOHONGVivienne Westwood Versace 030 Life style ALL THE GLITTERS IS NOT GOLDTHE PLAGUE DOCTOR060 Spot FEAR TO VULGARBEYOND THE FUTUREUNRELATED STORYPARANOID ANDROIO 120 Focus CODY SANDERSONRE-CREATIONFASHION DISSECTIONFINE LAWLESSBEYOND THE HELL 167 Feature DARK SIDE OF THE MOONBLACK FRIDAY 182 ZinieMADE UPPUNK PUNK PUNKBEFORE SUNSETTHE OTHER MEDISGRACE MEPOSSESSIONMISMATCHED 252 Art _ A-BeiHEALTH POWERHealthy man form YAHOLIEN 260 ColumnFASHIONISTAF WORD SELIFE IN SHOESFASHION SUCK #3DUST #3THE WAY OUTAD VISIONHIDE AND SEEKBUNNY HOLE-What's zine? Since “zine” was launched in 2011, the members of the team were recruited from Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Japan and Europe. Using an unique new vision to reflect every aspect of global fashion.“zine” is not only a platform to release fashion news but also to promote notions of “addictivity”, “obsession” and deep “attemptation” of desires. The taste we create is not just a life style but an activator to trigger your hunger of pursuing perfection! Zine Mag 於2011年創立以來,團隊成員來自台灣、香港、中國、日本、義大利與法國。我們利用獨特的視角詮釋全球時尚的各個面向,Zine Mag 創造的品味不僅是一種生活方式,同時也是激起你渴望追求完美的觸發點。-Video Production JEFF WANG-(線上購買)博客來網路書店http://goo.gl/2fyrzo金石堂網路書店http://goo.gl/0zwmRM-(SOCIAL MEDIA)Youtubewww.youtube.com/zinemediaTVInstagramwww.instagram.com/Zine_MagWeibowww.weibo.com/ZineMagyoukuhttp://i.youku.com/zinemag微信WeChat公眾號Zine_Magwww.zinemagonline.com#zinemag
Posted by Zine Mag on Friday, 4 March 2016
Zine Mag Vol.13 THE EXIT ISSUE
Art Direction JUS VUN
Photography JUS VUN
Photography Assistance SYBILLA PATRIZIA
Coordination KIZ CHIANG
Hair & Make-Up KYOKO KAWASHIMA @Factory1994
Model TAKESHI UEMATSU @Donna Models